Saturday, January 19, 2008


Lower points:
  • The pre-surgery anxiety.
  • The IV in my hand which was painful for some reason.
  • Being alone while waiting for the surgery and receiving antibiotics (husband could not be with me b/c he had to take care of daughter).
  • Receiving anesthesia which was so painful in my hand that it sent me into a full-fledged anxiety attack, followed by blackout.
  • Thinking about people working on me while I was unconscious still makes me uneasy.
  • The doctor's description of the procedure made me sick to my stomach.
  • Mesh panties.
  • Calculating in my head the number of months until we can TTC again.
  • Methergine, the post-op drug designed to help contract my uterus.
Higher points:
  • The caring and wonderful nurses.
  • The fact that I was completely under so I didn't have to experience the surgery.
  • Waking up and realizing that it was over.
  • The post-surgery anesthesia haze that made me high and cheery despite what was happening.
  • The post-surgery pain hasn't been that bad.
  • Being able to have an excuse to stay in bed for 2 days to recuperate.
  • Having my husband wait on me.
  • Tylenol with codeine.
  • Snuggling with daughter.
So, all in all it wasn't that bad. I'm glad I took this route instead of waiting out for something to happen on its own because now I can mentally move on.


Misty said...

This all sounds like such a trial. I am glad you have such a positive outlook. That is really such a wonderful quality.

Candid Constance said...

I am happy that you are able to heal now, emotionally and physically.

"Constance-1-M" said...

I'm sorry girl ~ I jumped for the d&c for the same reasons, I just coudln't stand the idea of waiting for the inevitable & I really wanted to be blissfully unconscious for it.

The pain meds were a nice touch too. Happily floating through the pain until I decided to deal with it.