Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cleaning poop out of panties makes me want to...

. . . go absolutely batshit crazy.

I know all the potty training books say not to scold accidents, which is how I handle all pee-related leakage.

But poop, well that's an entirely different story. My daughter shits her pants on purpose because she claims that she's scared to go in the potty.

She has pooped in the potty several times before without issue.

WTF am I supposed to do with that?!

"Mommy doesn't like cleaning poop out of your panties. It is disgusting!"

Yet she continues to do it.



Anonymous said...

I buy a ton of underpants whenever they're on clearance. Then if I can't face cleaning them after a kid has an accident, I throw them away.

The Amazing Trips said...

I hear you. I've got one that ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to go poop in the potty. Thankfully, she'll usually hold it until she is in a Pull-Up, but there are the times when she poops her pants and I'm ready to scream. Sometimes I do scream, and then "I" feel like crap.

Toss n'go underwear are definitely an option. Another is making her clean it up, herself.